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Artspace Austria

Limited public access, registration required
11.07.2018 13:00 - 31.12.2018
Brussels, European Parliament
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The art collection of the European Parliament consists of contemporary artworks from all Member States of the European Union. Every six months, artworks of the country holding the EU Council Presidency are presented in an exhibition.

Traditionally, the European Parliament invites the country holding the EU Council Presidency to supplement and expand this presentation with works from domestic holdings. Austria was happy to follow up on this invitation. In the exhibition Artspace Austria, it is showing pieces from the holdings of the Artothek of the Austrian Federal Government. The Artothek takes care of government-owned artworks acquired as purchases to promote art.

Artspace Austria is an opportunity to find out about the latest positions taken by artists. It seeks to foster an exchange of views on contemporary art and to acquaint the public with Austria as a future-oriented country with a vital art scene.

Opens: 11 July 2018, 13:00
Duration of exhibition: 12 July until December 2018

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