Spokespersons for the Austrian Presidency
Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal
Spokesperson in Vienna and Spokesperson for the Austrian Federal Government
Sven Wagner
Head of the Office of the Spokesperson for the Austrian Federal Government
Vera Pürerfellner
Spokesperson for Coreper I at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Alexander Paier
Spokesperson for Coreper II at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Spokespersons for the Austrian Government
Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal
Spokesperson for the Austrian Federal Government and Spokesperson for the Austrian Presidency in Vienna
Sven Wagner
Head of the Office of the Spokesperson for the Austrian Federal Government
Spokespersons for Sebastian Kurz, Federal Chancellor
Etienne Berchtold
Spokesperson for the Federal Chancellor
Johannes Frischmann
Spokesperson for the Federal Chancellor
Spokespersons for Heinz-Christian Strache, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for the Civil Service and Sport
Karl Heinz Grünsteidl
Spokesperson for the Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister
Martin Glier
Spokesperson for the Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Gernot Blümel, Federal Minister for the EU, Arts, Culture and Media
Iris Müller-Guttenbrunn
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Juliane Bogner-Strauß, Federal Minister for Women, Families and Youth
Herbert Rupp
Deputy Head of Cabinet and Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Heinz Faßmann, Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research
Annette Weber
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokespersons for Beate Hartinger-Klein, Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection
Axel Ganster
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Cornelia Mayer
Deputy Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Herbert Kickl, Federal Minister of the Interior
Spokesperson for Karoline Edtstadler, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of the Interior
Eberhard Blumenthal
Spokesperson for the State Secretary
Spokesperson for Norbert Hofer, Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Volker Höferl
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Karin Kneissl, Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
Matthias Forenbacher
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokespersons for Elisabeth Köstinger, Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism
Daniel Kosak
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Michael Strasser
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokespersons for Mario Kunasek, Federal Minister of Defence
Spokesperson for Hartwig Löger, Federal Minister of Finance
Jim Lefebre
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokesperson for Hubert Fuchs, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance
Spokesperson for Josef Moser, Federal Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice
Alexandra Geyer
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Spokespersons for Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs
Felix Lamezan-Salins
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Kathrin Schriefer
Spokesperson for the Federal Minister
Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union
Vera Pürerfellner
Spokesperson for Coreper I at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Alexander Paier
Spokesperson for Coreper II at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union
Avenue de Cortenbergh 30, B-1040 Bruxelles/Brussel
Contact details of other Austrian representations in Brussels can be found at www.bmeia.gv.at/en/oev-bruessel/about-us/austrian-representations-in-brussels/
European Council and Council of the European Union
General Secretariat of the Council
Rue de la Loi 175/Wetstraat 175, 1048 Bruxelles/Brussel
Central Secretariat
Press Office
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Media Support (Organisational Matters)
Media Support, Federal Press Service, Federal Chancellery
Ballhausplatz 2, A-1010 Vienna
Patric Fritz
Media Accreditation Office
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